Start your own webshop: e-book
The ultimate webshop checklist

Bubblewrap squeezing gives you satisfaction, but you know what's even more satisfying? Checking off boxes! (We are willing to take this challenge.) Starting a webshop, there is a lot involved. That's why we made this ultimate webshop checklist for you!
E-commerce worldwide is still growing every year, that's no surprise anymore. But in Belgium there is still a lot of potential for webshops. Are you ready to take this step and surf on this trend? Then our checklist is the ideal tool to help you on your way to a successful webshop. Not yet convinced of e-commerce or its advantages? Then be sure to read our previous blog post: "What is E-commerce?".
In this checklist, we go through the different important components of a successful and well-organised webshop. That way, you can be sure that you won't miss anything.
E-commerce in figures
- 73% of all Belgians buy online, including those without internet
- 10% of all Belgians buy online every month
- The Belgian e-commerce market increased by 33% compared to last year
- Turnover rose in total to EUR 11.7 billion
- +20,000 new webshops launched in the past year
This webshop checklist goes over all the components you need to keep in mind when starting a webshop. From your starting strategy to social media, from design to shipping, we discuss all the relevant parts.
Also for e-commerce it is important to properly map out costs and revenues. The cost price of e-commerce depends on many factors, your costs cannot be written off solely on your online activities. Can you use a guideline for your financial plan? Visit the page of 'Agency for Entrepreneurship' for a handy tool.
Are you convinced to start your own webshop? Or do you still have doubts about certain things? Do not hesitate to contact us. contact.
We wish you the best of luck using this checklist! A shoutout to this checklist we appreciate 😉 #letstalkdigital
"E-commerce is not a platform. It is a tactic"

Check. Check. Double check.
In this checklist, we go over the various important components of a successful and well-organized web store.
That way, you can always be sure you're not overlooking anything. Tick off your e-commerce checklist together?
We don't bite
Leave a message. Our experts will look at the possibilities for your business, without any obligation.