
Think. Create. Act.

Digital Marketing.
More than a fancy website
or Facebook page!



A digital marketing strategy translates the long-term goals from your strategic plan into a concrete digital approach that grows your business: Targeted campaigns tailored to your relevant audiences that lead to measurable results. A good omnichannel digital strategy ensures that your business will grow strategically through structured online communication.


We take away what's good and work together on what needs to be better after our digital marketing experts identify your situation. Our marketers take your digital marketing to the next level by deploying the right channels, processes and developments that can be useful to solve your challenge. Giving your digital marketing a solid uplift is the common goal.

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Analytics & Reporting

Customers always need to be able to make informed decisions. Our job is to be smart about that to help you in the right way.

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Content Strategy

Getting your story across consistently across all channels is fundamental. With a good content strategy, we ensure that the communication channels reinforce each other in spreading your message. Together we set out these lines and determine the right objectives, the target audience, exactly what content we want to create and on which channels we then distribute it. Let's go!

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Marketing strategy

Wherein lies the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful marketing campaign? Exactly, the marketing strategy behind it. Digitong is ready to provide strategic advice on any marketing challenge within your organization. Completely stand alone or in collaboration with your marketing team, we choose the best solutions for the available budget.

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Digitong specializes in all things Digital Marketing, which is why we are the ideal partner to get you started in the digital landscape. Discover our available trainings and workshops.

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Online Privacy

Online Privacy, the hot topic about which very much has been said and written. Nevertheless, to this day, it remains a real obstacle for a lot of companies.

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Head of marketing

 "Digitong has experts all around to take your (digital) marketing & strategy to the next level."

From SEO and SEA to Display Advertising, from Shopping Campaigns to Social Media Advertising and Video Advertising.

We put together the best mix that fits your business and leads to results. Digital marketing is a long-term process. Our experts analyze all digital efforts and make continuous adjustments.

Together, we look at what is the best way for you to achieve your business goals by starting from your current situation, concrete objectives, well-defined target groups, customer journeys, etc. That way, we come up with the most efficient budget distribution and an optimal marketing mix that converts. Check!

We don't bite

Leave a message. Our experts will look at the possibilities for your business, without any obligation.