
Enchant your website's visitors?

We make sure of that

Our goal? To create visually appealing websites that are user-friendly and easy to find. We create a website that fully aligns with your brand identity and your goals. E-commerce, Leadgen or a combination, our development team makes sure everything works perfectly together.

Development code on a laptop

Website maintenance

It may seem like a sales pitch but it certainly isn't. Take a moment and the importance of a customized maintenance contract will quickly become clear.

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Customised webshop

With WooCommerce you can easily sell all your products on your website. With numerous features within WooCommerce, we can fully customize the webshop to your needs.

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Customised website

Making a good first impression is important to convince customers of your abilities. Since a website is your company's online business card, this is one of the most important places to convince customers.

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Conversion Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a Web site. Such a desired action can be purchasing a product, filling out a form, clicking on a particular link, etc.

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Checklist e-commerce

Bubblewrap squeezing gives you satisfaction, but you know what's even more satisfying? Checking off boxes! (We are willing to take this challenge.) Starting a webshop, there is a lot involved. That's why our development team made this ultimate webshop checklist for you!

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UX/UI Design

All of our websites are designed and built with the most optimal user experience (UX) in mind. When we design the user interface (UI) of your website, we always use structures and elements that perform optimally based on best practices.

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growth approach

Through our years of experience, we have developed a unique process by which we can efficiently deliver the best version of a website, and grow it. By combining the greatest benefits from Agile, (Scrum and Kanban) and Lean methodologies and transforming them into a optimized growth-driven trajectory, we can safely say that we are the partner for your online growth.

1. Strategy

We like to know who we are sitting around the table with. Together we map out not only your wishes and goals, but also your target group, your key-problems, your "needs and fears." We will schedule targeted workshops to get to the heart of the matter and draw up a transparent schedule.

2. Launch pad

We quickly and efficiently build a website whose primary objective is to be better than your current solution. So the Launch Pad is not yet a final product, but the foundation from which we later collect and optimize data. In this way we shorten lead times, ensure a faster ROI, and faster growth.

3. Growth

Analyze, implement, evaluate, and repeat. In this phase, we use recurring sprints in which we first prioritize the plans and ideas. Then we build and test the discussed issues. Last but not least, we measure and collect insights in order to repeat this process, and thus perpetuate growth.

Lead digital design

"A website or webshop must be easy to find and attract the attention of the end user."

Ready for a visually appealing website that is user-friendly and easy to find?




A dated look and feel, substandard usability, too slow loading speed, lack of SEO optimizations, messy URL structures... Urban Nails knocked on Digitong's door for a brand new website. And we, we did our thing.



WECANDANCE once again shone this year in terms of music, food and fashion. A unique boutique identity that we could support online. You can read how we did it in this case.



BodyBlush helps its customers get a healthy tan and/or a tighter body. And we helped Bodyblush with a new branding, website and strategic marketing approach.

We don't bite

Leave a message. Our experts will look at the possibilities for your business, without any obligation.