
Maintenance of a website or shop

A maintenance contract, is that necessary?

It may seem like a sales pitch but it certainly isn't. Take a moment and the importance of a customized maintenance contract will quickly become clear.

What is a maintenance contract, or SLA?

Simply put, we make sure your precious website or web shop stays spick and span. We do this through the CMS platform, WordPress along with the plug-ins installed, such as Woocommerce to keep it up to date. This can be done by performing optimizations to the database, fixing broken links (404), making backups, optimizing the speed...

Why do I need to update my website?

Updates do not change the look and feel of the website, so why implement them? Even though not much changes visually, several changes are made in the background. For example, in every update, privacy, security and so much more improves... Here are some examples of why you should always keep your website up to date:

1. For safety

The rumors that WordPress would not be secure are not true. Any unmaintained CMS website or shop is susceptible to hackers. This, of course, is no different for WordPress. Unfortunately, since WordPress is now the most popular and widely used CMS system in the world, it is also a popular target for hackers. But don't worry, with the latest version of WordPress or Woocommerce, you're sure to be optimally protected!

An up-to-date WordPress site = a secure site!

2. For speed and findability

A slow-working website is a turn-off for visitors and search engines (Google, Bing, ...). Older themes or plugins can slow down your website tremendously and also make you score less well in the search results!

A WordPress site with the latest releases will work more efficiently and faster than the previous version. With the most up to date version of WordPress we can also SEA apply to generate even better numbers.

3. Flaws and Ferb improvements.

With each new release of the CMS system or plugins, some bug fixes may have been implemented or new features added. If technical bugs appear after an update of your CMS or plugin, they will be dealt with immediately. If new functionalities are launched, you can benefit from them immediately!

By regularly updating content, you not only improve your user experience and interface (UX/UI), as well as your score in search results.

better to prevent than to cure

We find that clients often underestimate this necessity. By waiting too long to maintain your site, you run the risk of problems arising that cannot be solved in the short term. Your website may slow down, stop functioning properly, become insecure and thus susceptible to hackers!

Digitong is happy to help you with your concerns

Maintaining a website takes a lot of time and goes beyond just keeping the site and plugins up-to-date. Moreover, technical knowledge is often required: HTML, web servers, DNS server, browser and server caching, protection against hackers, database maintenance ... For a fixed amount per year we are happy to take this technical maintenance out of your hands.

Together we discuss which maintenance contract suits you best and can be adjusted on a regular basis. We closely monitor your website and carry out updates and technical adjustments, so that you can always sleep soundly.

Therefore, perhaps a "relief contract" would be a better name for our maintenance contract.

Did you know that

  • a regularly maintained site ranks better in Google!
  • 83% of all hacked WordPress sites are not up-to-date!
  • with a maintenance contract, your maintenance costs are immediately clear.


Lead Digital Design


"An up-to-date WordPress site = a secure site!"

Safety first

We find that clients often underestimate this need.

By waiting too long to maintain your site, you run the risk of problems arising that cannot be solved in the short term. Your website may slow down, stop functioning properly, become insecure and therefore susceptible to hackers! Working together to create a safe, fast and flawless website?

We don't bite

Leave a message. Our experts will look at the possibilities for your business, without any obligation.