
3 advantages of animated HTML5 ads

Animated HTML5 ads with a well thought out structure, interactive elements and relevant content lead the target audience even more to that coveted conversion. Discover 3 reasons to opt for html5 banners here.

Stand out in the crowd

Large budgets are often spent today on display ads. More and more companies are looking for new opportunities to put their business in the extra spotlight, but with the increasing mass of these types of ads, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out in the crowd. That's where animated HTML5 banners with their extensive features come in handy.

With a thoughtful structure, interactive elements and relevant content, these types of ads have the potential to drive the target audience even further toward that coveted conversion.


1. HTML5 ads allow you to tell a story

It goes without saying that branding is a crucial part of digital marketing. Animated banners give you the opportunity to interact with your target audience thanks to animation, video and interactive elements. Although an animation in itself does not necessarily work better than a static image, it goes without saying that you can get your story across better with animation.

Animated ads outperform their static competitors in increasing brand awareness.

Static vs. animated banners for i-Fitness*




2. HTML5 ads are suitable for all devices and browsers

One of the biggest advantages of HTML5 banners is that they are compatible with just about any device and any browser. The ad is always presented and animated in the same way.

Animated HTML5 ads can also be placed through any platform. Google Ads, Adform, Adsense, etc. An animated GIF, on the other hand, is much more limited within the various networks, and there are often performance issues. This is not so surprising since GIF has been around since the 80's, and has not been developed much.

GIF vs. HTML5 banners for Vecollal®*




3. You can use data feeds for dynamic ads

Dynamic ads are banner sets whose content can automatically adjust to meet what your audience is looking for. While static ads and GIFs show the same content day in and day out, HTML5 banners allow you to use data to tailor your ads to meet the unique needs of your audience. Think about browsing behavior, product affinity, search history, etc. These elements help ensure that your content is relevant. Relevant Content is valuable to your audience, and it is just that which ensures a higher return on the budget you invested in your campaign (ROAS).

Dynamic HTML5 banners for Mister Oil*


Are you convinced to breathe more life into your ads? Or do you still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us at contact.


*The ads displayed may be time-based or fictitious.

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