Google's Value-Based Bidding

Google's Value-Based Bidding

Why use Value-Based Bidding? Value-based bidding offers one major advantage over other bidding strategies such as target CPA or maximizing conversions within SEA. It allows you to prioritize your budget on the value each customer...
Consent Mode

Consent Mode

What is Consent Mode? Google Consent Mode is a new API designed to provide more flexibility in how Google products can be used in conjunction with your cookie consent management platform. Consent Mode can be used to provide to...
Smart Bidding

Smart Bidding

Smart Bidding As Google has been preaching for a while now; "the era of complex and unwieldy Google Ads account structures is over." And rather yesterday than today. For a few months now, Google has been hammering on the Hagakure principle. They prefer to see accounts that are consolidated...
iOS 14 Privacy update

iOS 14 Privacy update

iOS 14 Privacy Update Apple is coming out with a very bold update around personal data privacy through iOS 14 that many app developers are anything but happy about. Apple's proposed changes will limit the ability to target audiences on mobile...
Smart Display: smart advertising?

Smart Display: smart advertising?

Smart Display: smart advertising? The Google Display Network covers more than 3 million websites and apps and offers nearly as many ways to target your display ads across the Web. While this broad targeting gives sophisticated advertisers a lot of control over...